Customer Testimonials

Product is really Good



Great Job

Mike and his team did a great job in sending the rackets to me very quick and I love the rackets.


Arun Arun, US | 07-03-2020

Excellent buying experience

Rackets arrived in under 5 days to the UK. The finish on these rackets is nice. I personally like a large grip and the free PU grip was a really useful extra. Great customer service from badminton bay via email and also WhatsApp. I think the WhatsApp contact is a really nice way of communicating with this kind of transaction. Well done Badminton Bay on an excellent buying experience. Thanks


Stephen, UK | 06-25-2020

Very good rackets at a reasonable price and it arrived a head of

Bought 4 rackets. Arrived a head of schedule. The rackets are very good rackets at a very good price as compared to other places in the US. Will purchase more in the future and will recommend badminton bay to anyone.


Kong, Fresno, USA | 06-11-2020

Great products, fast shipping!

Great products, fast shipping! I am very happy with the purchase and will buy more from BadmintonBay. Highly recommend!


Dmitriy Melikov, US | 05-31-2020

Excelent purchase!

Excelent service, attention and good products.! Axtrox zz 100 its amazing.


José , Florida P.R. | 05-24-2020

Above and Beyond

They're above and beyond. There's always some freebies in the package. No matter if there's a pandemic, the package will be in the UK in 4 days. (charges apply depending on the price you pay on their website) Highly recommend this business. Nice stuff on a reasonable price.


Ferenc Szekely, UK | 05-19-2020

Very happy with the purchase and delivery process

I am very happy with the purchase and delivery process. Although I haven't had a chance to test my racket yet due to the current social distancing situation caused by COVID-19 virus.  But am eagerly awaiting for that chance. As for my purchasing experience I would like to give a high mark to Badminton Bay. I will definitely by more stuffs in the future.


Hussain Russell, US | 05-05-2020

LP Knee support, closed patella

Great product, ajustable and very comfortable. Hyper fast shipping !!


Vivano, Quebec | 03-26-2020

My order was delivered as promised, with daily updates. Superb, no issues! Great collection of gear. Great overall experience. Some suggestion for badminton bay to improve its website in helping customers select the gear. Most racquets have same description, just using different words! Listing a tonne of racquets with their generic description made me do a lot of searching.. 1. Provide a data driven comparison of racquets 2. Let the user use a +/- type slider to pick racquets (price, more/less stiff, 4u/5u/6u, head heavy/balanced /xxx) and so on.


unmesh, SUNNYVALE | 03-26-2020