Customer Testimonials

Great Purchase Experience

First time buyer from Badminton Bay and I was very impression. The website is very well laid out. The communication throughout the sales process was flawless. From communicating that my racquets were out for stringing to when it was handed over to the courier I was kept in the loop. I was so impressed with the speed the items arrived and loved that they had put the string tension number I had requested on the bottom of the racquet. It was reassuring to know that my request was actually noted and implemented. This is a far cry compared to a local shop where I had also recently purchased a racquet from. The racquet came in a box with nothing else. I don't know what string or tension was applied and everything was by trust and assumption. Thank you Badminton Bay, keep doing what you are doing!


Rayson, Melbourne, Australia | 09-15-2023


Very good experience


George , Leicester | 09-06-2023

Excellent service

Excellent service than expected


Anonymous, | 08-27-2023


I recently purchased 2 recket from badminton Bay I have been using badminton bay couple of times before and never had any problems with quality I always recommended my friends to use them.


Shahzad , Rochdale | 07-23-2023

Happy with the product but no with shipping time

Happy with the racket but disappointed with the shipping time frame. I opted for express shipping after reading numerous testimonials. Alas, the express shipping was anything but express. I, giving BB the benefit of doubt, placed another order (express shipping again!!) and alas, similar disappointment .


KR, Western Australia | 07-14-2023

Badminton Bay Service

I purchased a new Yonex racket from Badminton Bay. The speed of delivery was amazing. Great product and fabulous service.


Kevin Black, Hanson, MA, USA | 07-02-2023

Very good offers but pain is return

I ordered 3 badminton rackets and shoes all the stuff is very good and delivery is also on time in US. But i want to replace shoes and for that return costing me half cost of the shoes. If it can be fixed. I am sure lot many people customer will love to come back for future orders.


Chibs, NewJersey | 06-26-2023

Wonderful Experience

Good products and great staff. I couldn't be happier


David, Dallas | 06-18-2023

Enjoy purchasing from Badminton Bay

I enjoy purchasing from Badminton Bay. Delivery is quite fast coming from Malaysia to Vancouver,BC. The Abroz racquets are great and from the same price point of Yonex racquets, Abroz racquets are better. As I have told Catherine Kan, Badminton Bay just need to get a representative to Canada. I think once players are made aware of your products, more players will give your products a try. Keep up the good work.


Stan, Canada | 05-28-2023


Real good experience


George , Leicester | 05-28-2023