Customer Testimonials

The Best

Hi Eddie, I received my Rackets, shoes and Accessories earlier than expected, Best price, product quality and service. Thank you, sonny


sonny, California | 03-23-2020

Excellent service. Responsible


Tiffany Chai, South San Francisco | 03-22-2020


Very good product and fast delivery.


vincent, Edmonton | 03-18-2020

Won’t be using anyone else!! My first and last stop for my badminton needs, just made my second purchase in the space of a couple of weeks.


Sheik Azim, UK | 03-17-2020

Happy with the purchase

Very happy to receive the product. Took almost a month to reach me in the US. Strings were proper. The handle wrap was just 'ok', but not bad. For the total price including string, cover and shipping, this was a value deal.


Saj, San Diego | 03-16-2020

Happy with the rackets and customer service

I'm perfectly happy with the rackets and customer service. Allways have been. Good job! I can recomment and have recommented you To my friends Who have also ordered from you. Thanks you!
Best regards Hellstorm!


Petri Hellström, Finland | 03-13-2020

constant update

I like the constant update on the delivery even though its an international shipping. Thanks for delivering on time


Sam Thomas Nellikkan, US | 03-08-2020

Nice shoes shipped fast

I recently purchased a nice pair of Yonex badminton shoes not available here in North America. They were on sale with special discount and shipped to my home in about a week! I will definitely buy from Badminton Bay again.


Victor, Vancouver | 03-04-2020

Three white musketeers

Thank you. Items arrived very fast and rackets have been great fun to play. Stringi ng 21lbs has worked fine for me as hobby player.


Jaakko, Pirkanmaa | 02-20-2020

Your services and dealings were appreciable


Shaji Varghese , Desplaines USA | 02-18-2020