Customer Testimonials

Abroz Nano power Z-Light

Great service from BB. Fast delivery, only arrives in less than five days to Camberra (AUS). The racket is very fast and light. I recommend string tention not more 25Lbs.


Gerald Lin, Florey | 08-21-2018

Great trainers

Easy to purchase, top quality, great delivery and all at a good price. Thank you!


Tara, Christchurch | 08-20-2018

Yonex Voltric 7DG Racket

good advices, fast shipping and great quality service !


Thomas, France | 08-19-2018

Friendly and good service!

I bought a Yonex Duora 77 LCW Jewel Blue racket from Badminton Bay! The racket arrived earlier than I expected! The racket is in good condition and the stringing is perfect. I texted Badminton Bay through Whatsapp, they have a very friendly and good services. They updated me on time when they have received their racket orders, sent the racket for stringing, for shipping. So I know where my racket is at. Thank you Badminton Bay!


Brian, Brunei | 08-13-2018

Great service.. fast delivery..

Great service.. fast delivery..keep it up the excellent Customer service Badminton Bay..


Samudra Kulasekara, Colombo | 08-10-2018

Abroz racket

I was looking for a new badminton racket.. the guy recommened abroz.. i was sceptical in the beginning BUT!!! thanks a million for recommendation !!! My smashing is more powerfull than ever.. very good control on the net. Thank you for making me a very satisfied customer. For sure i will drop by at your shop soon.


Led, Malaysia | 07-31-2018

Apacs Virtuoso 90 Badminton Racket (6U)

Product is as described and expected. Fast standard delivery. Less than a week to US.


Ricky Choi, US | 07-29-2018


Always excellent service and delivery time. The only thing I would say is that I asked for a few white grips from the 86 karakal grips I order and didn’t get any. I will be ordering again.


Adam , Vernon | 07-16-2018

apacs z zigler

The racket is really good . But had some scratches when i got it . so did not have the new feeling .


sandeep unnikrishnan, AUSTIN | 07-16-2018

I had an excellent experience

I had an excellent experience purchasing from Badminton Bay. Customer service was excellent and shipping to the US was speedy. I will recommend Badminton Bay to anyone I know looking for a racket.

My daughter plays with the racket we purchased and really enjoys it. She was already playing with this model so we got her a backup.


Matt, US | 07-10-2018