Customer Testimonials

Package Deal 3pieces/ Apacs Lethal 6

These are good/great rackets. Quite quick in the air,with even balance and plenty feeling. Out standing value for$$$. Order to delivery 10 days. Never any hassles with badminton Sure to return in future.


Errol, Brisbane | 01-30-2018

Very Good Service

Very good service provided, professional and very good quality products and stringing service. I will definitely continue to buy my badminton products from here!


Anonymous, | 01-29-2018

Good Product and fast delivery.


NADEEM Akhtaar, Riyadh | 01-27-2018

The rackets are good,but while playing the sting moves a lot


vijay, kpm | 01-27-2018

Great Product & Service

Purchased new racket & shoes. Apacs shoes fit well and are great to use, Normally a Apacs Nano 9900 user, but also got a Nano Fusion 722 which suits my game perfectly. Thanks Staff pick 2.


Dean, Berwick | 01-24-2018


I am so glad that you are true to your promise that my order will be shipped ASAP. I have to commend this company for excellent customer service. Well done. I will definitely ordering again in the near future.


Generoso, USA | 01-22-2018

I received the yonex duora 77 through fedex within 3 days to my address ion Sri Lanka ???????? !!!! Customer service of the badmintonbay staff is one of the best I have seen. Super friendly and helpful. Thank you for the support given. Hope to deal with you again and I have recommended the badmintonbay to several friends as well????. And prices are very reasonable and and as well as the shipping.
Thanks again


Shashitha W., Sri Lanka | 01-21-2018

pleasantly surprised

Ordered a couple of rackets from Badminton Bay. I live in the US and didn't realize these were being shipped from overseas. Still placed my order, but didn't expect to get my rackets for a week or two. I was pleasantly surprised to see the rackets delivered in 3-4 days! I also got fairly regular status updates throughout the period (e.g. rackets sent for stringing, rackets shipped etc.)
Very happy with my first Badminton Bay experience.


Prakash Rao, US | 01-17-2018

Apacs EdgeSaber 10

Wafi BizamiThis was the first time that i made any purchase from BB. To be honest, i really liked the interface of the web. very user friendly. The service and the racquet was in a very good condition on delivery. will be sure to come and buy again.Keep up the good work BB.


Wafi Bizami, MY | 01-16-2018

Pretty Good Value

Recently I bought the following rackets: Apacs Z Ziggler Force II (4U Grey) and Fleet High Tension Frame 7 Black Red (4U). The order arrived promptly with a free gift. These rackets were strung at 26 lbs, and had the polyurethane grip on these as I wanted. These are pretty good value rackets that intermediate to advance level players can use for tournament play, and actually were recommended by an advance player for me. I like these very much and am ready to play the tournament on January 20, 2018.


Vivek Kumar, Flower Mound | 01-10-2018