Customer Testimonials

I love my badminton rackets and the customer service along with the quick delivery (8 days to canada) was just amazing. I would defenitely recommend this to my friends! Please keep me updated with great deals as i am willing to buy more if i feel the price is right.


Poon, Canada | 04-06-2017

Pleased with the service and shipping.  I wished shipping charge would have been a bit lower ... I would be purchasing a lot more smaller items


Iqbal hossain, | 04-06-2017

Apacs Blend Pro II Badminton Racket

Fast delivery. Very satisfied with the racket, apacs blen pro ii..


Farouq, | 04-04-2017

Apacs Badminton Shoes

I purchase APACS Shoes from Badminton Bay. The service and staff there really good and they know what there were doing. For those who were looking to buy anything from Badminton Bay I really recommended. 10/10


Farhan Slyrex, | 04-04-2017

Apacs Apacs Virtuoso Light Red (6U) Badminton Racket

This racket is really light as mentioned in the name and description. I found the grip to be a little hard on the edges and I had to grip over it because I prefer the grip to be 4G or 5G. I didn't really know what tension i preferred and so the tension I asked for was too tight so on the first day of my tournament, the strings broke in the first game. Overall, I do like the racket but I recommend to not go over 24 for tension.


Leone , Canada | 03-27-2017

Lethal 10 racket

bought 2 lethal 10 rackets from badminton bay. they are very good for net players.


, | 03-21-2017

Good Seller

Reasonable price and good quality for all your products and Shipping time is much much faster than others seller.


Benson Au, Vancouver | 03-16-2017

Best place for badminton-related shopping

I live in Poland, so it's quite a distance; still, Badminton Bay is able to deliver the equipment faster than a shop located in the same country (not to mention cheaper and with wider selection). My absolute favourite!


Marcin, Opole | 03-16-2017

Apacs Z Ziggler Force II Badminton Racket Compact Frame (4U Grey

Amazing service and prompt shipment.
Love the racquets, as described on site, awesome job on the string tensions.
Highly recommend to give them a try, before buying other expensive brands with similar features.


Abby, | 02-24-2017

Good stuff. Fast delivery and very impressed with the work of Fedex to get it to me.
Racquet's good. Getting used to the 4UG2 grip and heaver head


Tom Wilson, UK | 02-23-2017