Customer Testimonials

Good service . I got my rackets less than a week . I purchased 17 rackets within weeks . Most of the rackets i bought it for my students . I myself like the model 899 and N Fore iii Yellow and Red . I have to Thanks to Mike Lai to help me .


Tam, USA | 12-13-2015

Great discounts

I never find the same racket cheaper anywhere else. Badminton Bay is the way!


Ali, Seattle | 12-07-2015

It is really appreciated how prompt and efficient your service was. I received my pair of Badminton Shoes on scheduled day. Thanks and I would recommend your company to my friends here. Thanks.


Dev, Canada | 12-04-2015

I've received the racket. It looks great, cant wait to test it, keep it up guys.!! Love it <3


Trung, USA | 12-02-2015

Recent Purchase

I recently purchased a badminton racket and shoes from Badminton Bay and am pleased to report that the materials received were as offered and delivered on a very speedy basis. I will be making Badminton Bay my source for future purchases and encourage other badminton players to do the same.


Ron Fenn, T or C, NM USA | 11-30-2015

One Satisfied Customer

It's always exciting to shop for new badminton racquets. The very reasonable prices and quality products that I find at make my shopping experience even more enjoyable. Shipping to the U.S. is surprisingly fast, usually within a week. Several of my badminton friends and I are satisfied and repeat customers. Good job guys!


P. Jan, Redlands, Ca, USA | 11-26-2015

ALL OK, congrats!!!! And thanks for the service


Carlos, Curitiba | 11-19-2015

I loved the racket that I purchased(APAC S Z ZIGGLER) thru badminton bay. The service was efficient, the racket is of great quality, and I would definitely use badminton bay again for other purchases. They have good site, and I look forward using it again in the future for any Badminton gears . Writing this after my second purchase.


Mathew, Kuwait | 11-04-2015

Super fast shipping


Anonymous, | 11-02-2015

I really thought that the service was great, and the value for the product was very good. :)

Nick Yap, UK | 10-20-2015