Customer Testimonials

Good choice - Fleet Z-Force II

My shoulder was kinda sore after played badminton using my Apacs Nano 9900 with 24 lbs string. I wasn't sure if the racquet was too light or the string was too high for me. So, I bought Fleet Z-Force II with 22 lbs string and I don't feel that kind of sore any more, and it's nice racquet as well.


Helen, CA, USA | 04-19-2015

Apacs badminton rackets

Wow!!!thats fantastic....! !


Disal, Colombo | 03-28-2015


Very good seller. Very good and fast shipping. Very good quality. NO COVER !!! I recommend to all


wewelina, IRELAND | 03-27-2015

Timely delivery and exceptional service

Recently I had purchased few badminton rackets from Badminton Bay and they were delivery timely even though they are shipped from Malaysia to USA. Into the 2nd week one of the racket broke and when contacted customer service they responded timely and are very professional. They asked few pictures of the racket and later they have sent me a replacement racket without making me wait too long. Their service is Exceptional and I have recommend to many of my badminton friends. Pros: Timely shipping, good customer service, competitive pricing, genuine rackets Con s: None


Srinivas Mavuri, Middleton | 02-28-2015

I just bought a Fleet brand last time the z force II pink and black... They are really good for smashing and very light weight. So now I purchased another 5 the same racket. You cant feel any diff. From yonex brand. Also this company is so great they helped me and answer my questions... They have a great products..


Jason, Winnipeg | 02-10-2015

I just got my new racket this morning and I am so excited. The service you guys provided is great and I'll definitely come back and recommend my friends to your badminton bay.


H. Jiang, Calgary, Canada | 12-21-2014

I am very happy with the work of Badminton Bay Very quickly send .Fedex quickly deliver. The products which i recieved are of very good quality (two rackets APACS virtuoso 20 , APACS sensuous 888 and two pairs of sports shoes APACS )



, Sevlievo | 12-13-2014

recent purchase of two rackets

*******great rackets, great service



mike, york england | 10-29-2014

Received my Rackets in Kenya on a record 2 Weeks. Quite a service from #BadmintonBay. Received them in perfect shape, size and Quality. Tryi ng them out later but cant wait to enjoy the feel. Quality Products!!!


Moses, Nairobi, Kenya | 09-11-2014

★★★★★ Perfect shop, great service & products!


Marco M., Weert, Netherlands | 09-03-2014