Customer Testimonials

Delivery of Racket

Generally, shopping through Badminton Bay was good. The only thing I felt short changed about was I paid for the most expensive delivery service and not got what I expected. At the shopping trolley, the tick box said delivery by FedEx, who turned up at my door was one of my standard delivery company. If I knew that I wouldn't have paid for the extra money for the fast delivery and chose the standard delivery. It would have got to my home the same time.

Badminton Bay's reply:
Hi Mstar, Thanks so much for your feedback. 

We used another express shipping option which is Aramex that delivers faster than Fedex for your shipment and we are sorry we did not inform you before hand.

The Aramex express shipping takes only 2 days to London, using UK standard delivery service as the land delivery method once it touches London. This explains why they arrived with your parcel. We have since displayed our shipping option as Express shipping instead of Fedex in our checkout page as we now have Aramex to cater for our all our UK clients.

We are truly sorry for the confusion caused and we appreciate your feedback very much.

Badminton Bay Team ;)


Mstar, London | 07-14-2016