Customer Testimonials

Look no further, this is THE badminton shop!

A few years back I ordered 2 rackets from badmintonbay. After one broke (my bad) I deceided to buy 2 more of the same rackets so I always have a backup. Just like the first time, they arrived within 4 days (to Belgium). After playing with one of them I noticed a difference in balance, it felt a lot more head heavy then I was used to. Strange! I ordered the same rackets just to avoid this! I send them an email and got a fast response. Long story short: the two new rackets were fine but it was my old racket that was out of spec. It was a lot more head light than it was supposed to. Now they check all the rackets before selling but a few years ago that was not the case. Solution: they took the effort to search 2 new rackets for my with the exact same specs (weight and balance point) as my old rackets and send it to me for free. I could also keep the 2 other rackets. Absolute legends, Highly recommend!


Jochen , Zonhoven Belgium | 04-28-2023